
The Basics page is designed to provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts and functions.

The Basics page is a great place to start if you're new to the Metaverse Creator Tool. This tool is a user-friendly editor that allows you to create highly-detailed scenes with drag-and-drop ease, without requiring any prior knowledge of 3D design. The tool comes pre-loaded with a wide range of assets, materials, and programmed modules, all seamlessly integrated with the drag-and-drop functionality.

User Interface

The entire UI of the creator tool can be broadly classified under 5 heads


The toolbar is a collection of essential tools required during scene creation. Hovering over each icon on the toolbar reveals its purpose. Here is a list of the functions of each tool present on the toolbar:

New Scene: This tool creates a new scene from scratch, similar to the "New File" option found in other editing software.

Load Saved Scene: This tool lets you open previously saved scenes.

Save Scene: This tool enables you to save your current scene, so you can come back to it later.

Save Scene As: This tool allows you to make a copy or variant of the current scene, which can be useful for creating backups or experimenting with different versions.

Display UI: This tool lets you hide or unhide the editor UI, giving you a full-screen view of your scene.

Undo/Redo: These tools allow you to undo or redo your actions, in case you make a mistake or want to go back to a previous step.

Lights: This tool allows you to add lights to your scene, which can dramatically change the look and feel of your environment.

Select, Translate, Rotate, Scale, Pivot World or Local, Snap: These are all tools for manipulating objects in your scene. You can select, move, rotate, scale, and snap objects to specific positions and angles.

Character: This tool allows you to add character to your scene. You need to drag and drop the option in order to get the character to the scene.

Play/Stop: These buttons allow you to play and stop your character, so you can preview your environment with your character.

Zoom Selection: This tool allows you to zoom in on the selected object.

Zoom Region: This tool allows you to zoom in on a specific region of your scene.

Isolate: This option allows you to hide all objects except for the selected object. This is useful when you want to focus on a particular object.

Unhide All Actors: This tool allows you to unhide all the hidden objects in the scene. Align Camera: This option helps you align the camera to the selected object or a group of objects.

FOV: FOV stands for "field of view." This tool allows you to adjust the field of view of the camera, which determines how much of the scene is visible.


This lists all of the assets that have been added to the scene, making it easy to organize and manipulate them.

Details Panel

This allows you to edit the properties of selected assets, such as their position, rotation, and scale, as well as other properties.

Content Browser

This lets you search for and select additional assets to add to your scene.

Material Editor

This provides a comprehensive toolset for editing materials, allowing you to customize the appearance of your assets with ease.



RMB + Mouse X

Turn Camera Left-Right

RMB + Mouse Y

Turn Camera Up-Down

Middle Mouse Button + Mouse X

Move Left-Right

Middle Mouse Button + Mouse Y

Move Up-Down

Alt + Left Mouse Button

Move Forward-Backward

Mouse Wheel

Move Forward-Backward

Shift + Right Mouse Button



Zoom Selected Actors

Alt +Q


Shift +Z

Undo Camera Action


Set Selection Mode


Set Translation Mode


Set Rotation Mode


Set Scaling Mode


Toggle Snap

Alt +Delete

Delete Actors

Ctrl + Z

Undo Action

Ctrl +B

Redo Action

Ctrl +S

Save Current Scene

Ctrl +O

Open Scene

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